'Tapestry Holes' - Easter Reflection Part One
--> "Tapestry Holes" The other day I received I great email fwd (unknown) from my brother, Lorne, who is among the great ‘forwarders’. Along with reading Scripture and some C.S. Lewis, it has triggered some fresh insights or appreciations about Easter and my own chronic illness. I’ll see if I can synthesize it in few paragraphs. It begins as dreamy face-to face encounter with the Maker at the Judgment. I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls. Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles; an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life. But as my angel took each piece of cloth off my pile, I noticed how ragged and empty the squares were. They were filled with giant holes. Worse yet, each square was labelled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I faced in everyday ...