
Showing posts from November, 2016

Living Beyond Lymphoma

This is a theological reflection that has grown during my cancer journey. Someone texted me in June when faced with a splenectomy that it was like a terrorist attack on body. I know they meant well. But immediately that didn't sit right with me. What terror? That's not biblical. Who's the terrorist? Does Satan have so much power to take over and ravage my world? He'd like us to think he's all that. He's a prowling, roaring toothless beast.  Yet I feel - I know - I am surrounded by ministering angels, abiding in the abundance of life in Christ, wrapped in the comfort of the Holy Spirit , and loved by the awesome grace of my Father. A sinner saved. Wow. It's all true! So I can truly say it again: it is well with my soul!

Chemo Reflections

Standing comfortably amidst the contradiction... On the one hand I'm still having trouble walking from the ensuite bathroom to the bed without a rest break; on the other hand, these opening lines from the poem 'Song of the Open Road' make me want to wander and explore: "Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,  Healthy, free, the world before me,  The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose." (Inspired by Whitman's 19th c. travels through the American frontier).