
Showing posts from March, 2016

Bonhoeffer: A Book Review

  Bonhoeffer - Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy:  A Righteous Gentile Vs. The Third Reich By Eric Metaxas, 2010 Would you be a spy? How far would you go? Could you really die for your faith? Have you ever wished you could do more as a spiritual leader? I have always been intrigued by the frumpy, unassuming character of G.K. Chesterton's sleuthing 'Father Brown' who also serves as a brilliant mystery crime-solver.  The role of a pastor seems almost timid against the principalities and powers.  It sounds fictional, but Bonhoeffer's life delicately balanced disciple making pastor with creative teacher, bold Confessing Church leader refusing allegiance to Hitler, and ultimately working as a double agent to plot Hitler's assassination.  This biography is declared to be one 'definitive, deeply moving narrative'.  I certainly found it to be compelling reading as I compared the uncertain times of the world in our day with the moral courage demonstrated by pastor Bonho...

Great Gardening Tips For Spring!

(I thought this was clever) It is almost gardening time... Time to sow peas of mind, Lettuce be thankful, Turnip to help our neighbour, and always make thyme for loved ones!  

Toward Warmheartedness A great article on autism and navigating this world together. 'Perhaps it’s time to reimagine how we view and serve the autism community. A social deficit, like attending equally to all facets of the environment, can be restaged as an ethical strength, enlarging what we care for and about. We often demand that people with autism learn how to act more like “us,” some specious version of normal. But what if we spent more time trying to understand how each individual voice, precisely because it is different, might contribute to a larger and more invigorating conversation about who “we” are and how we’re changing to meet an increasingly complex and diverse world?'