This Year, Thankful

I want to spend some time and energy sharing with you, not just my words or vision for 2008 (as it is quite a hazy view from here!), rather some of the stories and comments of people who have connected with this site, and my plight. You'll notice the Poll results -- down to the left -- showing a deep link between Suffering, Scripture, and people growing deeper! Despite years of academics / theological searching / all my practical work in soul-care, I confess I don't fully understand how it all works. (Even though I'm currently going through this experience in my own life situation! See more under Label: Hypereosinophilic Syndrome .) As you read what these people that have taken the time to write in response to my writing, I think you will be impressed and inspired by their tenacious courage. I am. There is a frankness, something so honest here, that humility hits you hard in the gut. I believe that we need to hear about each other's suffering, whatever the situat...