This Year, Thankful

I want to spend some time and energy sharing with you, not just my words or vision for 2008 (as it is quite a hazy view from here!), rather some of the stories and comments of people who have connected with this site, and my plight.

You'll notice the Poll results -- down to the left -- showing a deep link between Suffering, Scripture, and people growing deeper! Despite years of academics / theological searching / all my practical work in soul-care, I confess I don't fully understand how it all works. (Even though I'm currently going through this experience in my own
life situation! See more under Label: Hypereosinophilic Syndrome.)

As you read what
these people that have taken the time to write in response to my writing, I think you will be impressed and inspired by their tenacious courage. I am.

There is a frankness, something so honest here, that humility hits you hard in the gut. I believe that we need to hear about each other's suffering, whatever the situation, for in that sharing is the loneliness broken, and we may find courage to go on. Together.

Kenton J. Kutney


Anonymous said…
Hi Ken: This is Pepe, the Peruvian guy who lived in Steve's basement and studied at Regent College. Do you remember me?

I just discovered your blog and it has been a real blessing. You are such a courageous guy!!

When I lived in Vancouver I always wanted to talk to you, but my English was so poor (and still is poor... hahaha)that I always looked at you from the distance without saying a word.

Anyway, God bless you brother. Please say hello to Joy and the kids in our name. We are praying for you.


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