A Deeper 'Why?' - When It's No Longer Just About Me

A Deeper “Why?” by Ken Kutney IF OUR STORY HELPS ONE PERSON, WE ARE HAPPY. Still acting like newlyweds when they moved west, Terry and Julia Ruegg settled into the quaint, historic fishing village of Steveston in B.C. We met at a summer church service on the beach. They eagerly engaged in the community life of our church, emphasizing authenticity, especially in the enrichment of married couples. As for their own marriage, after seven years it seemed that Terry and Julia were unable to have children. But as Terry recalls, “We were OK with that and ready to go on with life—just the two of us.” Ken: I recall how delighted we all were when the surprise came. Terry: When we found out we were pregnant, we were shocked and scared. Good thing we had nine months to adjust! We became very excited about becoming parents. Baby Melissa was born on Valentine’s Day, stealing our hearts the instant we laid eyes on her screaming little form. K: The long delivery took a toll on all of you. ...