24 Advent Haiku-Poems to Prepare for the Christmas Season
Day 1
"wise men still seek Him
believing to understand
love blossoms to life
Day 2
"no mere fairytale
for this genealogy
runs back through all time"
Day 3
"this story starts where
many stories get their start
love, but immortal"
Day 4
"a few hundred years
awaiting God's next big move
He visits a teen"
Day 5
"boy meets girl, in love
yet there's a classic plot twist
this love's a faith leap"
Day 6
"something has happened
O Mary, what have you done
ponder in your heart"
Day 7
"fear ... 'fear not! fear not!'
there must've been some real fright
so many questions"
Day 8
"have you heard the news
the stars' configuration
let the quest begin"
Day 9
"celestial choir sings
shepherds and their flocks by night
lit by guiding star"
Day 10
"poor but rich in heart
shepherds especially bless't
great is their reward"
Day 11
"stars, sheep, cows, angels
creation calls Creator
baby King in manger"
Day 12
"from far away lands
we have come to worship Him
words fail to express"
Day 13
"the small toddler coos
inquisitive hands at play
gold, frankincense, myrh"
Day 14
"awake world in dark
from slumber to a new dawn
the babe, Christ the King"
Day 15
'Harrod, man of hate
murderous paranoia
flight into Egypt'
Day 16
'John the Baptizer
cousin to the path of Peace
pointing to the Way'
Day 17
'light breaks upon us
prepare the way of the Lord
all people shall see'
Day 18
'Emmanuel come
weren't our hearts burning
reveal now your truth'
Day 19
'a carpenter's son
working wood, planing, shaping
the old rugged cross'
Day 20
'don't forget the gifts
but recall the greatest gift
the gift of God's love'
Day 21
there's a giant "why"
for my Christmas holiday
"why" must be lived out
Day 22
"on this special day
all together with loved ones
hearts as one in love"
Day 23
"light the Christmas tree
light the houses row on row
light warming our hearts"
Day 24
"this special season
remembering the reason
Christ, Light of the world"