Every Day Is A Gift

Ya, I’m that guy who picked Feb. 14th to propose... Allow me this tribute to a wonderful woman: So this month I’ve been reaching back in my mind 30 years to relive our Engagement-Valentine with great fondness. The memories are still so vivid, despite the woeful lack of selfies in the 90’s, of how we surprised each other with much the same romantic plan... only, I had the grand end-game in mind by proposing we do Life together. And silly Joy, she said Yes! For better or for worse -- and I have to say it is ALL GOOD. All of it a gift, as the widow of former MP Paul Dewer reflected on his terminal brain cancer: ‘You move forward with what you are given and do it as well as you can.’ And all Paul could tearfully add to the interview was, ‘The gift is every day.’ ...I concur. Somehow Joy entered my young life at just the right time for me to be mature enough to recognize her deep worth and she enlarged my world with Smiles & Play & Laughter, all sooo generou...