A Very "MERRY" Christmas!

As the holiday season comes upon us, there is much exuberance in our household of 5 kids. I'd like to harness that energy somehow and share it, maybe hook them up to a generator and ... a treadmill to power the house? I'm not too far from actually considering it - they'd love it probably.

With the push and pull of holiday bustle, I may not have a solution to all your energy needs, but I feel that there is a power to heartfelt laughter, not just bc. my kids bound around howling happily, but bc. I feel it in my own rather burdened life ... being able to laugh in the midst of it is somehow freeing. The taught ropes of tension seem to drop away, or at least slacken for a breather.
The gift of joy.
May it be yours.
In that spirit, the posts for December are going to be on my Funnies page - hilarious holiday stuff that you can probably use yourself for parties, etc. Check it out!

It's good to laugh - CLICK HERE - and it just might make your day

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