i read a bit about whats been happening in your life.... I am not sure how old that artical was but it sadden my heart and i pray god just be with you and heal you! we often wonder why these things happen to god's people? i still love jesus ,believe in him but often wonder why these things happen to us last year our daughter hannah 10 years old at the time caught a cold had high fevers for around a week sometimes pressing over 100 which finally lead to seizures she spent the next 2 months in the hospital with uncontrolled seizures (she is not epiletic, they figure it is viral insefalietis which made it way to her brain) she was in a coma (doctor induced) over a month and i stop couinting the seizures after 1500 give or take..... we prayed ,,,we all prayed ,,still nothing, now she's getting better but not out the woods yet,she's on some serious meds- that well i am sorry to say help in one way and damage in others,,,,, but we keep pressing in, is it gods way of t...