
Showing posts from March, 2008

Suffering Shared, Courage Combined (Part Three)

Hi Ken, I finally had a chance to check out your website and I loved it! Some parts made me cry some made me laugh so all and all I loved it! Cheryl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each tear is precious to God. I must add that a sense of humour is a of value as well. It's a healing thing to laugh - CLICK HERE - and it just might make your day

Suffering Shared, Courage Combined (Part Two)

i read a bit about whats been happening in your life.... I am not sure how old that artical was but it sadden my heart and i pray god just be with you and heal you! we often wonder why these things happen to god's people? i still love jesus ,believe in him but often wonder why these things happen to us last year our daughter hannah 10 years old at the time caught a cold had high fevers for around a week sometimes pressing over 100 which finally lead to seizures she spent the next 2 months in the hospital with uncontrolled seizures (she is not epiletic, they figure it is viral insefalietis which made it way to her brain) she was in a coma (doctor induced) over a month and i stop couinting the seizures after 1500 give or take..... we prayed ,,,we all prayed ,,still nothing, now she's getting better but not out the woods yet,she's on some serious meds- that well i am sorry to say help in one way and damage in others,,,,, but we keep pressing in, is it gods way of t...

Suffering Shared, Courage Combined! (Part One)

Moving reader feedback (permission to share) after posting Our Story. See posts (to the left, Meet The Kutneys ) for my wife's important perspective on suffering, entitled 'Embracing the Mystery' along with my like-themed article entitled 'Changing Seasons'. Dear Ken and Joy: "I prayed for you today". I can totally relate to your situation. I have been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. Although it came on early and is a type that rapidly worsens and does not respond well to medications. I always say that my "faith strings to my heart are getting tighter every day". I also am like the cork that keeps bobbing back to surface. I can not look back on my life and wish for the past but pursue every day under God's grace, seeking a way that I can bless someone. There are times that I can not speak, walk, or swallow and drool is sliding from the sides of my mouth but in my heart I know that God can still use me. Perhaps not in...