Suffering Shared, Courage Combined (Part Two)

i read a bit about whats been happening in your life.... I am not sure how old that artical was but it sadden my heart and i pray god just be with you and heal you! we often wonder why these things happen to god's people?
i still love jesus ,believe in him but often wonder why these things happen to us last year our daughter hannah 10 years old at the time caught a cold had high fevers for around a week sometimes pressing over 100 which finally lead to seizures she spent the next 2 months in the hospital with uncontrolled seizures (she is not epiletic, they figure it is viral insefalietis which made it way to her brain) she was in a coma (doctor induced) over a month and i stop couinting the seizures after 1500 give or take.....
we prayed ,,,we all prayed ,,still nothing, now she's getting better but not out the woods yet,she's on some serious meds- that well i am sorry to say help in one way and damage in others,,,,,
but we keep pressing in, is it gods way of teaching us,,,hmmm maybe. but what have i learned through all this-- Balance! i was to extrem in my beliefs and i think i needed to find the middle road
boy talk about a spirtule crash when hannah was not healed in the start of all this, but thats all i heared in these faith preachers, and hey don't get me wrong theres good but we need balance and i realized that when tammy baker died, i am sure she had an army praying for her, and still we ask is that the way according to the bible we should leave the earth,,,,
so now my prayers are god your our only hope and even though we understand not why we pass these valleys which seem dark and grim we know that he is still god - he is still on the throne and his son did die for our salvation and threw my ups and what may seem like many downs at the end of the day he still is my god your god
its hard as a father i cry sometimes when i see hannah going through what shes going through its not easy its very humbling ha didnt think you could humble a humble person well you can,,,,,
Ken i have always liked and prayed for you joy and the kids and yes we have lost touched over the years but know that from time to time i have thought about you and prayed for you. your a good person a strong person our time together was short but when i left (to winnipeg) i left a better person because of knowing you, so i pray gods blessing in your life and your family i pray that every need will be met in jesus name. so be well be blessed and say hello to joy us.


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Kenton J. Kutney


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