Joy: To The World! - Manuscript Notes

Joy: To The World!
In-Service Scripture Readings: Psalms 95, 96, 97, 98

Note: This message was prepared under such short notice - I have had only two months to work on it, and right up to the Saturday night fine-tuning! The theme of Joy has daily been with me that long.  You get the 1/2 hour version (whew!) and I know that only God can make the applications of truth to your life as we ponder the scriptures.  I pray He will continue the good work in you.  

(See further study resources below.
INTRO:  How easy it is to sound shallow or cliché when talking about Joy – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Ya, you haven’t seen my credit card bill!). On the other hand, The Pursuit of a ‘solid’ Happiness is such a big thing it was enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.  Sadly, the United States has the greatest poverty of any developed nation, and to promise it seems too much for Government or Religion (Religion used in this sense as human initiative to reach God. Your Religion is Futile!  God cannot be manipulated; He is not the Great Vending Machine in the sky.  We need God to step in and take the initiative in our lives.
Great, this is why I don't go to church - he's gonna tell me what to do in 3 points alliterated with 'A'.  These Happy, Shiny Christians seem to have it all together, the preacher talking big about rejoicing.    
Exactly opposite, I come in weakness and without 3 clever points, unfortunately.  We are not hear to talk about me – so very briefly, I am diagnosed as having a rare blood disorder called Idiopathic Hyper-Eosinophilic Syndrome affecting organs (IHES) for over 10 years. ...Yet I dare to preach on joy. Perhaps it is more genuine to speak on rejoicing when you don't feel like it, because joy is not about my feelings or mood. – Philipians 4:4-7; 1 Peter 1:3-8  ‘Rejoice always’

Have you wondered why joy isn't more prevalent (ie, 'Bad' Evening News, or people walking with their heads down, frowning, or perhaps a forced, fleeting smile).  Sometimes people seem willfully unhappy, shaking a fist at God as it were, “I don't care if God is in my life, I defy You to make me happy."  I could thank God a thousand times over that I am not in a hospital bed. 
   -    Why aren’t more people truly experiencing deep, lasting joy?  

Struggle is obviously part of the common human condition.  Why would God not simplify the chaos?   Recall (Genesis 3) the Tree of Knowledge, good and evil: God asked for faithful obedience. Trust is the basis of relationship. The essence of the fall occurred when humanity wanted knowledge in place of trust in God.  It was an idolatrous act, wanting something other than God, an independency of our “own answers”.  We were deceived, but not by God. 
God could have designed us with frozen smiles. But we are not on auto-pilot. We are created free so we can choose love or not. God deeply wants us to obey him and enjoy him. If you grant people freedom sometimes they hurt you and they hurt each other. Many of us are simply on the hurtful path instead of walking the way of joy (see Psalm1). There is a trend today toward practical atheism -- living as if God does not matter -- and has affected even some Christians. "The heart of our problems is the problem of our hearts (Michael Green)."

On the other hand, globally Christians tend to be consistently joy-filled, with much less to live on than we have piled up, and many more cruel pressures to endure. May we be inspired by such devotion: They clearly see their need for God and He meets them, blesses them.  Love, joy, and peace flow from the heart of God.  

We will take a good look at what we mean by Joy (not my wife, Joy, who is wonderfully inexplicable) and how to live with Joy (still no, not my wife).
In Matthew 2:10 the King James Version describes how, when the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.(the newer versions of scripture read overjoyed.  Clearly the experience of those encountering the first coming of Christ is all about joy.  And amazingly the same Christ and the same message continues down the ages to shine the same joy into the lives of countless millions and millions through today, and far more so blazing today in the developing world as those who travel can attest: Joy is the distinctive quality of Christians.  Do not cast away your confidence; God is at work! Asia – South America – Africa. They are now sending missionaries to help us  with our impoverished spiritually. Will you allow this glimmer of hope - joy can be yours too. 
We have heard earlier resounding in the Psalms, ‘Sing!’ – about what, why?  We begin with Who - the inexpressible greatness and beauty of God. Truth about God has to do with character (not data).  God uniquely is the Truth. Therefore, knowing God requires relationship with God, which is the source of our joy.
Websters Dictionary definition is not so helpful:
(n.) That which causes joy or happiness (source of).  The sign or exhibition of joy; to rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult.  (v.) To enjoy.

In the Greek there is an interesting cluster of words sharing the same root:
Charis - Divine grace, Chara - Joy (bc. of grace), Chairo - Rejoice (bc. of grace), Charitas - 'charity' good grace-works, Charismata - Graced w. spiritual gifts, Charisma - Gift of 'spiritual leadership, Eucharist – Gratitude, giving thanks because it is all by the grace of God.
If anger is a trait we can pass on from parent to child (anger is so unhealthy, you can' be in right relationship with God if you harbor bitterness), how much more can we pass along joy.  I understand brokenness, feeling like damaged goods - I've lived with that.  But aside from my frustration, I know God’s great love for us is so true.  He keeps proving Himself as I trust Him more.  Love wins out.
Are you so angry about the past you can't get excited about the future? Are you sharing joy? Love makes us see with mercy, grace humbles us to truly care for and empathize with others who are hurting.
Leonard Cohen's song (Canadian Poet and Musician) Hallelujah! has verses about Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba – from great confidence to abject humility. It's not the music God wants, but with the bruised heart He is tender:
There's a blaze of light in every word / It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah…
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you / And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song / With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
Psalms (Hebrew ‘tellihim’) = Praises
In the Psalms the anatomy of every possible emotion the soul can express is brought before God, in the end all is caught up in praise. Adoration = practicing the presence of God. Can you sing of love's redeeming work, over the year? The salvation story becomes our personal anthem.
C.H. Spurgeon on the Psalms: "Our voice has many modulations; there is the voice of conversation, the voice of complaint, the voice of pleading, the voice of command. Man's voice is at his best when it sends the best words in the best spirit to the best of Beings."
The Psalms call us to look with our eyes at marvels of ocean depths, wind storms, stars, wild animals and plants, and see with eyes of the heart the Designer.  Psalms call us to attention, look!  Praise!
Psa. 96 begins (the Message): "Sing God a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing!  Sing to God—worship God."  Sing to God, for God, about God – bless His name, worship the beauty of Holiness (picture it - not austere but majestic). The wonder of the salvation plan; God reconciling the world to himself. 
Discovery Channel Theme Song (Old campfire song, "The World Is Awesome")
 Scene starts in space looking at the blue marble earth...

   Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?  Astronaut 2: Nope. 
   Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you wanna... Astro. 2: Break into song?  Astro1 Yep.
I love the mountains. I love the clear blue skies.  Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada!  I love tornadoes. I love arachnids. I love hot magma. I love the giant squids. I love the whole world. It's such a brilliant place.   Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada! Boom De Yada! 
A shallow sort of love song about misplaced affection - love misdirected and certainly not reciprocated by a toad or fungi.  The Psalms are NOT about a mystical worship of creation.  All creation, including us, gets caught up into a joyous dance to the Maker.  We are in awe of the ocean in all its power and depth and vitality, which is according to the will of God.  Nature reflects his glory and is not the object of glory. We must indeed care for creation, but I would not call it love!
Psa. 1 'Blessed' - on the path of blessing; cf. Mark 5 = ‘happy, fortunate, joyful’ way
Psalm 98 is the inspiration behind Joy To The World, not originally Christmas-themed. The song was first published in 1719 in Issac Watts' collection: The Psalms of David: Imitated in the language of the NT, and applied to the Christian state and worship. Watts wrote a hymn glorifying Christ's triumphant return at the end of the age.
C                     Dm   C   G   C
Joy to the world!  The Lord is come;
     F          G        C
Let earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare Him room,
     C                             G
And heav'n and nature sing,And heav'n and nature sing,
     C       F   C       Dm   C  G7  C  
And heav'n and heav'n and nature sing!
1 Peter 1:8  In Christ, the Christian "rejoices with joy unspeakable and full of glory", in spite of his temporary afflictions (1:6). Christian joy is no mere mirth that knows no gloom, but is the result of the outworking of faith over adverse and trying circumstances, which, instead of hindering, actually enhance joy (Acts 5:41; Romans 5:3James 1:2,12; 5:11; 1 Peter 4:13, compare Matt. 5:11, 12).
Even our Lord Himself "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame" (Hebrews 12:2).  "The victories of Jesus among men are all the more wonderful bc they are accomplished by means to all appearance most inadequate." - CH Spurgeon

Rom. 5:1-9  Joy and Peace -- Not a morbid life of seeking misery, a life of rejoicing - not 'because' we suffer but 'in'the suffering; crucially, there is meaning as God develops character and His love fills us with hope.  Will you allow him to do that for you?  Peace is about a new relationship status with God, no longer enemies. Rom. 8:18-25 – all creation groaning, longing to jubilate (if that is a word)! Adoption means we are no longer slaves to our sinful nature but children of God - ancient adoption involved full rights of sonship, full status, including inheritance as family of God.
You are here at God's pleasure and for God's pleasure.  Two weeks ago Pastor Kevin made the point (1 Sam. 12:22) that we are not forsaken - we are His people, here at his pleasure.  You had nothing to do with being brought into being. He brought you, he wants you here. 
There is a river that runs through life - that is the purpose of God. We don't always understand, we grieve, we mourn, we comfort ... all appropriate in their turn.
I.e., Driver’s Education Booklet as a metaphor for life:  First, we must Look (check your mirrors ‘pre-trip’) - Identify source of anger or misery.  Confess it, acknowledge.  Picture a big red Stop Sign - time out in heat of moment: Why am I feeling this anger / hurt / rejection / fear / needs unmet / frustrated at myself.  Purposely deal with it quickly.  Yield - don't have to jump on every insult -- slow to speak, slow to anger.  Then,  Go -- go about life in a God-pleasing manner, get past angry people - don't retaliate (God's job as Judge). Ask, How can I benefit in what I am going through? Wait for God’s time – what comes may be a ‘surprise’ of joy to us, but not to God.
From Avoiding to Attentiveness, From Worry to Wonder, From Circumstance to Character  
Stay grounded in God's truth - people can say good / ill but you are responsible before God (who knows you best and will help you) to monitor your sense of health and well-being.  
LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE (Did I get from side of a Coffee mug? Yes, actually. Not a bad place to put a reminder for the day’s start.)
If you just ignore stuff, it looms over you. Christ is not about denial. Courage to face it, bring it into the light of Love, the foggy shadows shrink away and you can see more clearly.  (Recall S.A. sermon last week)
Consider: “If our life were without end and free from pain, it would possibly not occur to anyone to ask why the world exists.”  Arthur Schopenhauer around a century and a half ago in The World as Will and Representation.
Man's Search for Meaning (V.  Frankel, psychologist endured holocaust):  "Tragic optimism" – Observed the many in pain, or faced with death and saying 'yes' in spite of everything. Making the best (optimal) of a situation. Witnessed suffering as a human achievement.  We are not in search of happiness, but meaning that makes us happy.  ‘Give-up-itus’, a term of his, is a deadly disease. After War people have been so glad to have survived almost dying because they found a solution after, discovered meaning to their life. For you to see it, even if it is 1-1000 chance of staying alive that's your responsibility. Knowing how to suffer well, if needs be, is highly respectable.
“Frankly, I don’t think there always has to be a ‘reason’ the way some think for 'how' / 'why'.  The only reason should always be to draw closer to God.”
St. Paul - ‘His strength is made perfect in weakness’.  My neediness and weakness is CAPACITY FOR GOD.  Otherwise, I must realize that in my own strength there is no room.  Weakness therefore makes room and HE makes me capable.  When I am weak, then I am strong.  Fill me to capacity! (2 Cor. 12:9f)

CS Lewis – “I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time - waking and sleeping.” Prayer doesn't change God - it changes me. (Phil. 4:8-9 Meditate = ‘Talking to yourself about God in the presence of God. Then putting it into action.)
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.   I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
Last Sermon:  God will not shortchange you.  With Christ we become more of ourselves; without, less.  With Christ we get everything else thrown in. The self is enlarged by faith - a faith of fullness!  Augustine: The more I know God, the more I come to know myself. "You cannot reconcile yourself to God. The only thing of my own that I contribute to my redemption is the sin from which I need to be redeemed." We can stop pretending. New creation – new outlook, new attitude. We think and look at things differently because we are different.  (Eph. 3:16-19 Joy-Prayer for Ephesian Church)
Maybe we cannot see now how God is doing some yard work in the garden of our heart, making room for good growth - see Rom 5:1-5 Peace and Hope.
Great Hope - heading toward perfect consummation and bliss; the time of Christ's reign over all nations. Judge, fulfillment of promises, accountability of enemies.
Without God we are wanderers - our hearts are unquiet, restless until they find their rest in thee.  Adoptive family, children of God, household of faith.
As we prepare in this life to meet our Maker it is with a joyous sense of security.  Do we welcome that day?
Joy - We have to choose to cooperate with God. (Phil. 2:12 – Work out salvation…) This life of preparation is moving towards a definite future with God's promise signed and sealed.
E. Peterson - Joy is not a requirement of Christian discipleship, it is a consequence. It is not what we have to acquire in order to experience life in Christ; it is what comes to us when we are walking in the way of faith and obedience.  We come to God because none of us have it within ourselves, except momentarily, to be joyous.  Joy is a product of abundance; it is the overflow of vitality. It is life working together harmoniously.  We try to get it through entertainment. We pay someone to make jokes, tell stories, performed drama, singing songs.  The enormous entertainment industry in our land is a sign of the depletion of joy in our culture.  But that kind of joy never penetrates our lives, never changes our basic constitution. The effects are extremely temporary – a few minutes, a few hours, few days. 
But there is something we can do. We can decide to live in response to the abundance of God and not under the dictatorship of our own poor needs. We can decide to center ourselves in the God who generously gives and not in our own egos which greedily grab. One of the certain consequences such a life is joy. Joy is the verified, repeated experience of those involved in what God is doing.
Laughter is a result of living in the midst of God's great works. Enjoyment is not an escape from boredom but a plunge by faith into God’s work. The joy comes because God knows how to wipe away tears and in his resurrection work, create the smile of life. Joy is what God gives not what we work up. Laughter is the delight that things are working together for good to them that love God, not giggles betrayed the nervousness of a precarious defense system. The joy that develops in the Christian way of discipleship is an overflow of spirit that comes from feeling good not about yourself but about God. We find that his ways are dependable, his promises sure. Christian joy is actual in the midst of pain, suffering, loneliness and misfortune. – Eugene Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, p 92f. 
Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him -- Corrie Ten Boom
Yale theologian Miroslav Volf who, in The End of Memory, eloquently puts our life-meaning into perspective: We are neither made nor unmade by what we do or by what others do to us. The heart of our identity lies not in our hands, but in God’s hands. We are most properly ourselves because God is in us and we are in God. 

The Christian hope is that what is good, and worth preserving from human history will be validated, and rendered permanent in God’s new creation. Correspondingly, that which was false and evil, that which “rippled” down through the millennia damaging and defacing God’s good world, destroying relationships, fostering fear and enmity, and barring the way for people to experience the shalom God intended for them will be judged, healed, and forgotten. It will “ripple” no longer. (Ryan Dueck)

Conclusion:  Endure, don’t seek to escape. Wait on God.  Goal:  Formation of GOOD habits (Gal 5:22f): Faith, Hope, Love growing in us justice, wisdom, self-control and courage.
Pray:  Unite my heart to fear Thy name (Psa. 86).  Love God with all our heart and mind (undivided).  Receive the humble praise of our broken hearts.  Help us more than our words can ask.  Hear our hearts.  Keep looking up, Keep keeping on.   Play Houston’s “Joy” to close.
The Lord bless you and keep you;  the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Serendipity Q’s For Reflection
Psa. 96
          Why does this Psalm appear in the book of 1 Chronicles 16:8-33?  Why is one version longer do you think?
 What 10 things does the Psalmist want Israelites to include in their worship of God (:1-10)?
        What is the importance of the international appeal? 
       What is the Psalmists vision of the One to come?  Why is His coming a cause for joy? 
Psa. 97
                                How far reaching is the power of God?
                                Which describes you the closest:  A) Hater of evil, B) Faithful, C) Righteous, 
                   D) Upright in heart … which would you like to be?
Psa. 98
     Do you expect God to do new things in your life?

     Do you ever ‘cut loose’ in your joyful expression, or do you sing your songs to God like a quiet ballad?
Scripture References for Further Study 

Philippians 4:4-8; 1 Peter 1:3-9
Psalms 1, 96, 97, 98; Matthew 5
Romans 5:1-5, Rom. 8
2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Philip. 2:12-13; Galatians 5:16-23


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