What's The Point?

What we need most is to shine the change that the Light of the World truly makes in a person. That is the greatest apologetic. 

(It is God's purpose for His Bride. 'Be' the Church; we don't merely go to a building and 'do' churchiness. That's just Churchianity and not the real Christianity the world needs to see so badly. It's as different as Winterfest is from the Spirit of Christmas.)

To the cynical rationalist we only have to turn to old souls like Blaise Pascal - "The heart has its reasons that Reason cannot understand."

Belief supersedes reason. Reason serves faith.

Another wise person said: "I believe in order that I may understand." - Augustine

I think that order is crucial. The greatest reply for the seeker to consider is, What is "the God who speaks" saying to me?

If one is not even seeking to understand, then what more could we ever say endlessly into the wind? Even a witnessed miracle probably wouldn't convince a sceptic. It would always be somehow rationalized and explained away. That is partly why miracles are so rare in the West - lack of faith as Jesus put it regarding the few miracles accomplished in his hometown.

Don't get me wrong. It is good to search out answers - left unanswered questions lead to doubt, and doubt leads to a spiraling cynicism. Generations have thought more deeply than ours. Study them. Mine them deeply. Not just the latest thing, like apologetical how-to's and such debater / haters.

This is really quite good, by Luke Knight:  
"Sometimes biblical stories can seem harsh or unreasonable. One reason they might seem this way is because we choose to read them in a vacuum. This would be like watching the scene in Home Alone when Kevin’s mom sends him to bed without any dinner, and then neglecting to watch the rest of the movie. We are in danger of missing the main point if we overemphasize a singular scene.
We ignore the whole narrative when we pick out individual stories and base entire world views, or God-views, on them. When we investigate the entire Bible, what’s the big picture? Perhaps God’s character throughout is overwhelmingly generous and patient, considering how unruly humankind has been throughout the ages.Through all of the war, struggle, brokenness and pain, what’s the resounding call we hear from God? What’s his overarching posture toward the human race? What’s the main point?"


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