Art Therapy - My Journey Through Cancer 

Have a look at my growing collection of art projects on my new FB page with the above title.

Something I stumbled onto called Art Therapy seemed to catch my eye in winter. It is a kind of counseling, especially for working through trauma like cancer or PTSD and dealing with negative emotions. I found a professional counselor who'd actually come to my house monthly, so I thought I'd try it out and converted my little office space into an art corner.

I've found it quite helpful in the past several months - it has sparked my creative energy again. I was hoping it might lead to more writing, but so far I'm loving the creative art process and am sticking with it. I work at it in little spurts as I'm able, sketching ideas, exploring the wide world of art, and working on assigned projects. Keeps me accountable. Art is forefront in my mind and almost a daily effort. I guess that's where most of my idle time goes, whereas it might have been on FB, etc. It is both positive and productive.

Here’s a small sample. Art Therapy since chemo has been such a freeing and inspiring creative process! Grateful for all the support and encouragement, thanks especially to my counselor Janine from Vancouver Art For Change.
(Note: All art is copyright protected by Kenton J. Kutney and may not be copied or reproduced with prior consent.)


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