Easter Reflections 

One of the inescapable things that haunts me at Easter is the question: If I were part of Jesus’ inner circle, could I have been Judas? 

...At Easter I have loved re-reading the book by author and playwright, Dorothy Sayers, ‘The Man Born To Be King’. (This is the perfect script for a movie!) One of the things she does is cast Judas as intelligent, the brightest in the group. Jesus did choose him as one of the 12, so there is good in him. He’s in charge of the finances. He’s calculating, a step ahead. This makes his betrayal even more of a heightened contrast. 

If I was in the place of Judas, would I have so misunderstood what Jesus meant with his talk of the Kingdom that I’d betray him and turn over an innocent man -- perhaps to get the revolt against Roman oppression going? 

How close am I really to Jesus? Do I try to force his hand? Do I assume too much? What will my true legacy be? 

In the end, it turns out ALL of Jesus’ disciples scattered and fled. We all need the grace of God. Personally, I can’t wait for Easter Sunday -- the triumph of love over death! 


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