Four Gospels — So Who Got The Story Straight?

The Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible are biographical narratives about the life of Jesus - so why are they different? Does that mean the eyewitnesses are contradicting each other?

...Ever been in a car accident? There are always differing accounts - and not necessarily because people are lying. The insurance claim may report that a pedestrian saw something from a perspective that differs from a passenger in one of the cars involved, or yet again from another driver coming the other direction. That makes sense - the eyewitnesses each have their own vantage points.  In the same way, the authors of the gospels also have their unique perspectives. They should sound authentically different. In addition, the Gospels were originally composed with various audiences in mind, which makes a world of difference in tailoring the narrative message. 

Watch this short clip of how a forensic detective thinks about all of this:

As you (hopefully) take a closer look at the Bible for yourself, I would highly recommend How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth by Gordon Fee as a great companion tool for making sense of all the genres in the 66 books which comprise the Old and New Testaments. 

Another option is to check out The Bible Project channel on YouTube. While you’re there, here’s a relevant link to a great speaker, Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing: Can I Trust The Bible? 


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