Reflections on Art - "Fall Fireworks"

"If there is something pleasing in the artwork, I am glad people other than my wife, and kids see that! Even more though, I try to envision what happens with this piece now as an inspirational card in the hands of thoughtful individuals, adding those delicate personal words of encouragement and hope at just the right time in someone’s life, and that ripple-effect thrills me most of all.

As one who is personally experiencing debilitating chronic pain and fatigue due to a rare blood disorder, I understand there is nothing easy about staying 'centered' in the turmoil of change.

However, the enduring warmth and brightness of this water-colour helps one keep a positive perspective in the passing of Autumn to Winter, to choose to look for beauty where some only see dead leaves.

Metaphorically, this extends into how we choose to approach change in the sometimes-stormy Seasons of Life. For me, daily letting go of the negatives and holding fast to blessings large and small has made all the difference. Literally a slow ‘painstaking’ endeavour, this Fall Fireworks painting has emerged out of an inner peace -- inspired by his cute daughters collecting leaves to present to him and by Scripture’s outlook of Hope and Purpose throughout seasons of change:

There is a season for everything, and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Keep the Faith,
Kenton J. Kutney
“Fall Fireworks”©


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Anonymous said…
Good day Ken:

Well i wanted to let you know that i received my picture yesterday! everything is perfect and it is more beautiful in real than online ....thanks...have a great day by for now
Dino. (winnipeg)

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